The more you volunteer, the happier you become!
Historic Hayesville Inc needs volunteers for the 2025 event season. Come help, make new friends and have fun.
Help is needed prior and during several events
so whatever your skill or whatever time you can spare, it is always greatly appreciated.
Stop by the Centennial Exhibit next to the Post Office or email or call (828) 361-7058 to learn more.
Shop Small Shop Local Event
Thanksgiving weekend
- Join the STMS/HHI Promotions & Economic Committees to organize.
- Help at the event
Trash to Treasure
- Join the T2T Committee to organize and plan.
- Help set up the sale location
- Help with picking up donations
- Sort items, clean and/or repair if necessary
- Assist during sales
Gazebo Beautification
May through October
Plant maintenance and watering around the gazebo and other areas in the square
Historic Hayesville Inc. Centennial Exhibit
Opens April through December
- Help Maintain HHI Centennial Exhibit Building at 116 Sanderson St.
- Need Attendants Fridays and Saturdays 11-4pm – shift system
- Assist changing displays as needed
Steins and Wine Around the Square
May through October:
Join the SW Committee to organize and plan.
October Event
- Check ID & Tickets at Entry Gate
- Assist at vendor tents
- Help set up/breakdown Booth Spaces
- Help get the square ready for the event